6 tips for a productive office corner

1. Let the light in

To have clear ideas and work efficiently, place your desk in a bright corner. Near a window or under a skylight, you can make the most of natural light, and if necessary, you can supplement it with a pretty desk lamp .

2. Make yourself comfortable

The second step for an optimal office area is comfort! We choose a quality chair, if possible ergonomic with good lumbar support. The screen should be about an arm's length away, with the gaze on its upper third. And why not try the sit-stand desk (https://opal.ma/collections/assis-debout/products/copy-of-bureau-assis-debout-ope1m2s)? Fully height adjustable, it adapts to the way you work.

3. Create orderly storage

In order not to be overwhelmed and to keep our ideas clear, we remain methodical! And this of course goes through the storage box. We avoid piling up too many things on the table, only a few pots to have our supplies at hand. On the wall, we hang shelves on which we store a few inspiring boxes and books.

4. Display your sources of inspiration

To increase your motivation and move mountains, surround yourself with good vibes! A beautiful framed poster to get away from it all during a break, an inspiring quote that reminds you that nothing is impossible... And why not a bulletin board to pin down your inspirations?

5. Adopt plants

When we are in the middle of a rush, it sometimes happens that we have the impression of running out of air. With all of today's technology - computer, telephone, tablet or smartphone - we increasingly feel a desire to go back to basics, to nature. For this, we do not hesitate to adopt plants. To breathe fresh air between two excel files, nothing better than taking care of your little protected ones who make it so good for us! Small cacti, succulents, patterned plants, depolluting plants... There's something for everyone!

6. Allow yourself relaxation rituals

To keep up the pace without getting exhausted, it is important to take breaks. Look out the window, light a small scented candle, drink a good hot drink, dance to your favorite music... So many little moments that allow you to dream and escape!